READABLE NOVELS.—Tyopa. By Ernest Glanville. (Methuen. es. net.)—An excellent story
of adventure in a tropical forest. —A Woman Named Smith. By Marie Conway ()ender. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d. net.)—A sentimental but still agreeable story of a country house in South Carolina. The last drop of succulence has been squeezed from the local colour.—Rachel Fitzpatrick. By Lady Poore. (Lane. 7s. net.)—An attractive story. The Irish scenes are quite admirable, and written with complete authority. Lady Poore is one of the few writers who can set down brogue.—The Old Indispensahles. By Edward Shanks. (Martin Seeker. 7s. net.)—It is probably because the reader expects so much from the author of The Queen of China and Fete Galante that The Old Indispensable.; a Whitehall night- mare, falls a little flat. The reader had imagined it would be " a scream " and finds it only a sardonic smile.