The Reign of .Religion in Contemporary Philosophy. By S. Radhakriahnasa
M.A., Professor of Philosophy, the University of Mysore. (Macmillan. 12s. net.)--In the present state of Western speculation an Indian philosopher has every chance .• of obtaining a hearing. This book is an attempt to show that .. " of the two live philosophies of the present day, pluralistic theism' and monistic idealism, the latter is the more reasonable, as affording to the spirit of man full satisfaction, moral as well ' as intellectual " ; and that " the current pluralistic systems are the outcome of the interference of religious prejudice with the genuine spirit of speculation." Pragmatism and neo-realism are " not so much metaphysical systems as logical methods " ; and the writer distrusts the philosopher-stylist. " The specula- tive efforts of James,- Bergson, and Bertrand Russell, and in a lesser degree of Balfour, Howison, and Schiller, are so attractive and imposing that we are sometimes tempted to rank them as works of art. They are undoubtedly the romances of Philosophy." The criticism of Western thinkers is often effective : the sugges- tions of an approach to reality based on the Upanishads (chap.
xiii.) are not more than suggestions. There is no establish- ment of this system as such," we are told. " This must wait for another place and occasion."