17 APRIL 1926, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—S0 many of your readers are interested in the records of the " Incomparable Twenty-Ninth " that I shall be grateful if you will allow me the hospitality of your columns to state that the Annual Memorial Service will be held, as usual, on Sunday, April 25th, at 11 a.m., in Holy Trinity Church, Eltham, S.E. 9. The sermon will be preached by the late Chaplain-General, the Right Reverend Bishop Taylor Smith, K.C.B., C.V.O., D.D., and Captain E. Unwin, V.C., C.B., C.M.G., R.N., will give a short Address of Testimony at the Dedication of the completion of the Memorial. The Band and Trumpeters of the Royal Artillery will assist at the Service, by the kind permission of the Officers R.A. The completed Memorial will embrace, among other interesting items, Statues of St. Joan and St. Alban, and the Union Jacks of H.M.S. St. George' (Mediterranean 1915-16) and H.M.S. ` Inflexible' (Falkland Islands and Jutland) presented by the Lords of the Admiralty. A number of distinguished officers of the Services have intimated their intention of being present, and our French comrades-in-arms will be represented, we hope, by General Despres, the Military Attaché. All who desire reserved :seats for the Service should make application direct to me, enclosing a stamped directed envelope for reply.—I am, Sir, &e.,

HENRY A. HALL (M.A., Hon. C.F., Divisional Chaplain, at and after the Landing, to the 29th Division, Gallipoli). Holy Trinity Vicarage, Eltham, S.E. 9.

Station : Shooter's Hill.

Telephone : Eltham 1246.