A CORRESPONDENT in Malta draws my attention to ars article which appeared in a recent issue of It Legionaries of Rome, the official Fascist organ, on the " Italianity of Malta."......
Most People Will Approve Of The Free State Government's...
in offering what amounts to a premium on marriage to certain employees. An examination was held in December to fill a hundred vacancies in the Irish Civil Service, and men......
With The Object Of Arousing Greater Interest , In Colonial
matters the Italian Colonial Institute, with the support of the National Association of Tourist Industries, and under the patronage of the Idea Coloniale, has organized a cruise......
When M. Peret's Financial Proposals Were Discussed In The...
Chamber the proposal to forbid the sale of babies' comforters was carried by a majority of 870 to 153. The law will not come into effect for three months, so as to give......
American Industrial Efficiency Is The Theme Of Many...
the Press, and the " new industrial gospel " of high wages and payment by results is making many con- verts. In these articles I have not noticed any reference to one important......
Wychwood Starlings
By Loan OLIVEER. O UR starlings' army is quite orthodox in its organization. Its units are progressively the platoon, the company, the battalion, the regiment, the division, and......
Readers Having Anything To Sell, Or Services To Offer, Are
invited to inform the many thousands of readers of the SPECTATOR, by advertising in the Small Classified advertisement columns. Details of the cost--which es very low—will be......