MISS CLAY has been working for some years investigating the
career of this Anglo-Swiss painter who, born in Burgdorf near Berne in 1733, after a stay in France from 1765 to 1768 proceeded to England, where he spent the rest of his life. A thorough craftsman, even his early Swiss landscape drawings are imbued with the romantic sentiment then emerging ; but excitement is still tempered with awe, and the fine drawing of the Schollenen Gorge, Plate 12, conveys something of the feeling of the famous Russian general Suvolov who in a despatch to the Czar wrote: "It is beyond the powers of language to paint the awful spectacle of Nature in all its horrors." Grimm travelled widely in England, and was a regular exhibitor at the Royal Academy. Many of his drawings have now an historic as well as an artistic ,interest, and the present volume— which is excellently produced—contains thirty collotype plates drawn from various sources which give a representative survey of his work.