Country Life
A SPECIAL inquiry has been set afoot, not without encouragement f the Ministry of Agriculture, on the subject of wood-pigeons ; and of the results of it up to date is the......
In The Garden Gardening Commentators, Under The Kind...
the B.B representative, seem to have decided unanimously that the swede is good a garden as a field vegetable. I have learnt this week two n virtues in the swede (which I have......
A Tall Tale The Following Story Comes Straight From An
agricultural labourer w vouched for its truth ; but I must confess to some incredulity. On floor of a rough barn where the farmyard hens frequently laid their eg he watched a......
Sir,—there Is A General Hope For The Future Outbreak Of
a revolution in Germany, and one can understand this train of thought. But revolution in Germany could conceal a danger for the good cause: if the momentary effervescence of a......
English Prose
Sta,—Professor Namier's admirable advice on the writing of English prose contains no reference to one most important point—the correct use of punctuation. One particularly......
Snt,—professor Namier Does Not Do Justice To A Very Great
Englishman when he says that the prose of the Authorised Version of the Bible was the work of six committees revised by a general committee. To select only two of the many......
Scarcity Of Educational Books
S1R,—The Council of the National Union of Students at a recent meeting had brought before it by student representatives from many parts of the country the unsatisfactory......
Charge And Rebuttal
SIR,—In the issue of April loth, page 354, " Janus " writes. " . . then clearly editors, of all people, must not be conscripted for the army." I prescript a Dubeldam (see page......
County Names It Is Alleged (in The Excellent Journal Of
the Women's Institutes) every county in the old days gave its name to a particular food prod and of course a good many local, if not county, names leap to memory, surviving even......