17 AUGUST 1833, Page 12


Arrived—Off the Smalls. Aug. 14th, Indian, Raveuscroft, from 'Manilla. Off Ply- mouth, 15th, Arab. Rinnie, from Ceylon. Off Penzance. 14th, Charles Eaton, Towle, from Madras. Off Liverpool, 15th, William Salthouse, Roberts, from ;Mauritius.

Sailed—From Gravesend, Aug. 10th, Malcolm, Eyles, for Bengal ; and Elizabeth Taylerson. Sanderson, for the Cape; 13th, D'Auvergue, Huguct, for Bengal; 15th, lilersewell, Haswell, for the Cape ; General Palmer. Thomas, for Bengal Layton, Wade, kir New South Wales ; and Colombia. Ware, for Ceylon ; and 16th, Diadem, Airth, for the Cape. From Liverpool, 13th, Bland Callen, for Bengal ; and 14th, Earl of Liverpool, Manning, for Batavia.