Mr. Swainson, A Young Gentleman Residing At Barnes, Left...
place on Saturday last, in a small skiff, accompanied by two ladies, to sail down the Thames to London : but when a little below Battersea Bridge, the skiff struck against a......
In The Case Of Small V. Attwood, Lord Lyndhurst Decided,
on Satur- day, that the 200,0001. laid out in stock by the defendant in the name of Phoebe Attwood, as alleged by plaintiff, without consideration, should be transferred in the......
Ebe Ar Etrupatil
The two candidates to succeed Sir John Key in the City represen- tation, Mr. Kemble and Mr. Crawford, were put in nomination at the Guildhall on Monday last. Mr. Wilson......
Rbt Countrp.
At a Vestry meeting of the parishioners of Leeds, held on Thursday week, the necessities of the Church were provided for, owing to the contracted rate of expenditure, without......