The King of Spain is said to be so ill,
that his chief physician is. anxious to publish bulletins of his state of health. This, how- ever, the Minister, `LEA BERMUDEZ, will not permit, and his Ma-
hsty is officially reported to be "excellent well." It is clear, however, that the Liberals are in better spirits, and again look for- ward to the Regency of the, Queen. Some efforts at internal improvement have been recently made by the Spanish Government, as we learn by the following passages in the Madrid correspondence of the Times. We trust that they are only the precursors of more extended amelioration.
"Juntas for charitable purposes have been formed in the principal towns of the kingdom. Their object is to root out habits of mendicity. aligences and inns have been established on a great number of roads, which, owing to the want of them, have hitherto been almost impracticable. Periodical publications, under the name of Official Bulletins, have been established in almost every city, and in places where, perhaps, no newspaper of any kind had ever before atppeared."