We note a few fresh facts concerning the lock-out in
the building trade. Messrs. Allen, one of the larger firms, have conceded the men's demands, and are now employing about forty masons. Messrs. Waller and Sons also for a time conceded the terms asked, but were over-persuaded to withdraw the concession. On Saturday last nearly all the masons, who had joined under the conditions conceded them— to the number, we believe, of sixty—withdrew when it was an- nounced that the hour system was to be enforced. A new but in- direct intervention of the War Office in aid of Messrs. Myers is re- ported. Mr. Myers had contracts, it is said, to execute at Aldershott, on which soldiers are now employed, so that he is enabled to with- draw his hands for his London work. This would seem inconsistent with Sir G. Lewis's recent pledge. The time for some mediation between the contending parties seems arrived, and we are disposed to think the men would give up the extra hour demanded on Saturday, and agree to the hour-payment, if the masters would formally sanc- tion extra pay for overtime beyond the ten-hour limit.