17 AUGUST 1861, page 25
On the Mb inst., at Canton!, the Lady Louisa Ponsonby, of a daughter. On the 8th inst., at Bedgebury-park, Kent, Ludy Mildred Beresford Hope, prema- turely, of a son. On the......
Publications Received.
A Histong ofAmerican Manufactures from 1608 to 1860. By J. Leander Bishop, 11i.D. In two volumes. 'VOL I. Philadelphia : Edward Young.—The present volume, which extends only to......
Cohelelh, Commonly Called The Book Of Ecclesiastes :...
the ori- ginal Hebrew. With a commentary, historical and critical. By Christian D. Ginsburg. (Longman and Co.) Arithmetical Examples for Home and School Use. Part I. Containing......