17 AUGUST 1889, Page 17


iguntnr," all students' blunders must fall more or less flat. The following, however, seem to

be not without merit, and, veiled as they are in "the decent obscurity of a dead language," I offer them to your readers. In each case the translation is put second :—" By mingling in society :" " Mingendo in societate." "But such a blast, my King, began to blow :" " Rex melts incepit crepitus effundere tales." "And many a swarthy face and stern was there :" " Nigrx adsunt facies, nigra, adsunt.terga."

Curious historical research and considerable freedom of style are the chief characteristics of the poem on Homer which ends :—

" Atque fuit etiam prudens, industrius homo ;

Cumque studens auderet eum interrumpere nemo."

But one's heart goes out to the translator of " Magna fuit quondam capitis reverentia cani :" " The great Capt. Dog

was once generally respected."—I am, Sir, &c., D.