The Muzzling Order Has Not Taken Effect Hitherto In London,
in consequence of the wrath of the County Council at not having been entrusted with the management of the London police ; but the County Council having refused to issue the......
On Thursday, War Was Declared Between The Fleets Engaged In
the Naval Manoeuvres. The general scheme of operations is as follows. A hostile maritime force, having its head- quarters at Achill, is supposed to have been mobilised in the......
The Irish Nationalists Did Not Venture To Contest North...
vacant by the death of Sir W. Ewart. On Monday, Sir Edward Harland (Conservative) was nominated and re- turned unopposed for the constituency. At the last election, the......
With Regard To The Taunts Levelled At The Liberal Unionists
for supporting a Tory Government, Mr. Chamberlain insisted once more on the transformation which has taken place in the significance of names, when a so-called Tory Government......
Mr. Gee, The Chairman Of The Denbighshire County Council,...
the editor of the Welsh Baner, who is one of the leading Nonconformists in North Wales, has written a most violent letter, recommending the Welsh Nonconformists to refrain from......
Mr. Chamberlain Addressed A Number Of His Unionist Con-...
Unionist and Conservative alike,—in his own house at Highbnry this day week. He had, for the first time, invited Coniervatives to be present, as a pledge of the hearty......
Perhaps The South Wales Daily News, Which Is More Candid
on the subject of tithe than Mr. Gee, gives the true explana- tion of this melodramatic wrath. It says frankly :—" If the tithe become, so far as the tenant is concerned, merged......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 97i-98.......