The muzzling order has not taken effect hitherto in London,
in consequence of the wrath of the County Council at not having been entrusted with the management of the London police ; but the County Council having refused to issue the order, the order has now been legally issued over its head, and the poor dogs will escape no longer. We sincerely believe that the muzzling order will create a vast deal more disease than it puts an end to, so ignorant are the majority of people in the choice of proper muzzles, and so careless as to the immediate release of the dogs from their muzzles when they get back home. But as the order has now gone forth and must be obeyed, it is of the first importance that dog-owners should choose muzzles which do not prevent the dog from drinking, and do not in any way impede its breathing, and that they should make a duty of seeing that the dog is set free from his muzzle as soon as he returns home. If care is not taken on these heads, we shall have more disease in dogs, and more ill consequences from those diseases in dangerous bites inflicted at home, than ever rabies has caused.