Mediterranean Winter Resorts. By E. A. Reynolds Ball. (L. Upcott
Gill.)—Mr. Ball gives practical information about a great
number of winter health-resorts in Europe and Africa. The Riviera, with its seven principal resorts, Hyeres, Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo, Mentone, Bordighera, San Remo, and a few smaller places, occupies the first chapter ; Malaga and Gibraltar are treated of in the second; then we have Algeria and Egypt (Cairo only being mentioned as " climatically to be classed with Tangier and Algiers ") ; the Mediterranean Islands (Corsica being probably the best of all the places mentioned in the volume) ; and, finally, South Italy and Sicily. All that one wants to know about routes, expenses, amusements, &c., may be found here, and the outline of the medical side of the subject.