[To TRY EDITOR 07 THE " SPICTATOR."] SIR,—The writer of the interesting article in the Spectator of• August 10th, on "Animals and Caricature," in referring to the clever " Prehistoric Peeps " which have for some time past been appearing in Punch, alludes to the extinct animals introduced therein as being taken from " restorations " by Figuier (a very unscientific writer), and others. This is quite incorrect, for, with the exception of a few "monsters" invented out of Mr. Reed's brilliant imagination, they are all taken from two works of mine on palaeontology, entitled "Extinct Monsters," and "Creatures of Other Days," in which I have endeavoured to make the subject intelligible to the ordinary reader. In fact, it was at my suggestion that Mr. Reed made use of the " restorations " published in these two books, many of which were made for the first time by my friend Mr. J. Smit, a celebrated animal artist. As I have taken considerable pains to avoid the errors of Figuier and others, I think it is only fair to lay the facts briefly before