The Spaniards Make No Progress In Putting Down The Cuban
revolt, which is, indeed, slowly spreading. According to recent telegrams the Spanish troops are dying fast, and the- number of insurgents is increasing. The rebels not only......
We Are Glad To See That It Is The Intention
of the Govern- ment to appoint Mr. J. W. Lowther to the Chairmanship of Committees. That is an excellent choice, for Mr. Lowther is greatly liked and respected in the House and......
In The House Of Commons, After Very Brief Speeches From
Mr. Legh and Mr. T. H. Robertson, who moved and seconded the Address, Sir William Harcourt, in a very moderate speech, remarked that if it were true that Nature abhors a vacuum,......
There Is Little Or No News As Regards China And
the punish- ment of the men who committed the massacre on the mis- sionaries, except that Mr. Mansfield has proceeded to Kucheng, the place of massacre, to make inquiry, under......
The Government Has Announced Its Policy In Regard To...
which is a sort of compromise between the views of the annexationists and those who were for retiring. Two native regiments, with two mountain guns and two Maxims, will hold......
On Tuesday The Times Published An Important Article On The
subject of the Upper Mekong. The attempt to settle the respective claims of France and England by a joint commission on the spot has failed, and the negotiations will now have......
Lord Salisbury's Speech Was Full Of Weight And Of The
sense of high responsibility. After the announcement that the decision in regard to Chitral arrived at by the Govern- ment would be found to be supported by the papers which......
Mr. Scott Then Found That The French Commissioner, 1d....
was inspired by the same spirit as the traders. The French official denied the very existence of the Shan State of Kiang Kheng, and declared Mongsin to be a part of the former......