Mr. Scott then found that the French Commissioner, 1d. Pavie,
was inspired by the same spirit as the traders. The French official denied the very existence of the Shan State of Kiang Kheng, and declared Mongsin to be a part of the former Siamese province of Nan. After this absurd/ claim, it was not unnatural that the Commission broke up without any business being done. Meantime, two hundred Goorkhas have been sent to the disputed territory, a telegraph line is all but completed to Mongsin, and the Chief Commis- sioner of Burmah has pledged the word of England to the Shan chiefs that Kiang Kheng is part of the British Empire, and will remain so. Of course, if the French want a subject of quarrel, they have got one to their hand ; but we trust they will be wise enough to recognise our rights and respect- them. If they think they can turn us out of Kiang Kheng by force, they are very much mistaken.