Gossip of the Caribbees. By William R. H. Trowbridge. (T.
Fisher Unwin.)—Of these " Sketches of Anglo-West-Indian Life," we may say that it would have been at least as well if they had never been written, and that, now they are written, it will not tend much either to entertainment or edification to read them. Mr. Trowbridge protests that, in the portrayal of " certain characters," " he had no ulterior purpose in attacking in. dividuals." This language is somewhat ambiguous. Strictly construed, it might mean that he did attack individuals, but had no ulterior purpose in doing so. Presumably he means. "4 of attacking." We are bound to accept his statement, but must say that, in one case at least, Lady M., some of the circumstances point with much clearness to a well-known writer, and that it
was very indiscreet to state them. .