Holy Matrimony. By Oscar D. Watkins. (Rivington, Percival, and Co.)—This
" Treatise on the Divine Laws of Marriage" is of an exhaustive fullness. The Scriptural authority, the -flews taken by the Eastern and Western Churches generally, and by first Christian teachers in particular, the Papal' teaching and practice, and the positiOn taken up by'the Anglican communion, are stated and disdussed with a completeness which leaves nothing to be desired. Mr. Watkins takes special pains to say all that has to be said about the locus classicus in the New Testa- ment, St. Matthew xix. 9 ; but comes to the somewhat unsatisfac- tory conclusion that the text of the passage is so doubtful that no inferences can be safely drawn from it. It seems a little strange that we should have been intended, as it would seem, to have guidance, but have lost it by accident. Mr. Watkins takes the severe view on the subject, as well as on that of the polygamy of converts from heathenism.-