Prince Ferdinand returned to Sofia on Tuesday, and was received
by the notables of the capital. It was noticed, how- ever, that though the official decorations were magnificent, the crowd was almost silent. It is also stated that the alleged murderer of M. Stambouloff calmly viewed the procession from a balcony. Archbishop Clement did not appear among the ecclesiastical dignitaries who received the Prince, giving the plea of ill-health. It is said in some quar- ters that be has joined the anti-dynastic party, but the Times' correspondent denies this, and says that he is informed on high authority that there are no grounds for doubting the Archbishop's loyalty. It was noticed that the Prince immediately on his arrival reviewed the troops, visited the barracks, and had a long conference with the War Minister. "There are many indications," adds the Times' correspondent, " that the army may soon prove an important factor in the situation."