On Friday week the advance eastward and south-eastward was resumed
south of the Somme with such vigour that the Canadians and Australians reached the line from Proyart to Lihons, a mile or so west of Chaulnes, while further south the Allies were within seven miles of Roye. The French extended their battle-front on the As-re north of Montdidier, taking Pierrepont. In the afternoon General Debeney, leaving the horn of the German salient untouched, advanced his right flank to the south of Montdidier, and by a power- ful effort reached Faverolles on the Montdidier-Roye road. This brilliant manceuvre, thoroughly French in character, settled the fate of Montdidier, which was now isolated and was captured early next day. In the evening the awkward obstacle north of the Somme was removed. An American division co-operated with an English division in capturing Morlancourt and the hills to the south-east which cover Bray. The second day's captures raised the number of prisoners to twenty-four thousand. Between twa hundred and three hundred guns ha,l been taken, including a railway gun of great calibre, which was promptly turned against the enemy.