Telegraphy, Aeronautics, And War. By Charles Bright....
16s. net.)—Mr. Bright speaks with authority on submarine cables, and his plea for the establishment of a complete Imperial cable service deserves far more attention than it has......
Asia Minor. By W. A. Hawley. (j. Lane. 12s. 6d.
net.)— This is a pleasant and well-written book about Anatolia. The author was more keenly interested in the Hittite monuments and the excavations at Sardis and elsewhere than......
The New Warfare. By G. Blanchon. (harrap. 3s. 6d. Net..)—
This able little book, translated from the French by Mr. Rothwell, describes clearly the new methods of warfare devised before the battle of the Somme. It is startling to find......
Mr Heinemanu Has Published Four New Volumes In The Excellent
`• Loeb Classical - Library" (6s. net each). Professor G. G. Ramsay has produced a racy and animated prose version of Juvenal and Perslue, with an admirable essay on Juvenal,......