17 AUGUST 1918, Page 17

Mr Heinemanu has published four new volumes in the excellent

`• Loeb Classical-Library" (6s. net each). Professor G. G. Ramsay has produced a racy and animated prose version of Juvenal and Perslue, with an admirable essay on Juvenal, who, he thinks, did not exaggerate the blackness of Imperial Rome's seamy side. Mr. Carleton L. Browneon has translated Xenophon's Hellenica, Books I. to V., and Mr. W. R. Paton has completed with the fourth and fifth volumes his scholarly edition of The Greek Anthology, the sixteenth book of which is illustrated with woodcuts to explain the epigrams on statues. The "Loeb Library," with its Latin or Greek text faced by a good translation, has become indispensable to every one who is interested in the great authors of the past, but fears, "with small Latin and less Greek," to confront them without an interpreter.