Senoraeoa."1 Sin,—Your correspondent "A. M." says that he would be grateful to any one who would point out how one ton of coal can be made to do the work of three. Unfortunately one cannot do that; but what one can do is to point out the erroneous ideas he has con- cerning the Household Fuel and Lighting Order. In the Notice to Consumers issued by Local Fuel Committees, paragraph 5, It will be seen that rooms without fireplaces count when furnished. Presuming his house of thirteen rooms to be furnished through- out, this will make his allowance thirteen tons. If he will refer to Section 11 of the Order, he will see that additional allowances not exceeding five tons of fuel in a year in respect of each separate household may be granted, on the application of the householder, on the following grounds—viz., the presence of aged or infirm persons, invalids, or young children. &c. This brings his total allowance up to eighteen tons for the year.—I am, Sir, &c., A LOCAL Fun OVERSEES.