(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The lines asked for
by your correspondent "Tired Woman" are quoted as a Norfolk epitaph in the Life of Lord Avebury, Vol. 1., p. 224. At a meeting of London shopkeepers, Sir J. I.ubbock carried an amendment in favour of his Shop Hours Regulation Bill by this quotation.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Westfield, 28 Huntingdon Rood, Cambridge.
[Another correspondent says that the epitaph was to the memory of Sarah Dempster; another thinks that the epitaph is at Bushey Churchyard; while Mr. A. A. Brook, of Olton—one of very many who kindly send versions almost identical with that given by Mr. Wallis Budge—says that it comes from a churchyard in Worces- tershire.—Ea. Spectator.]