The British Government published on Wednesday an important statement, recognizing
the Czeoho-Slovaks of Bohemia and Moravia as an Allied nation and the three Czeoho-Slovak armies in France, Italy, and Russia -as an Allied and belligerent Army waging regular warfare against Austria-Hungary and Germany. The Czecho- Slovak National Council, "as the present trustee of the future Czecho-Slovak Government," is regarded as the suprenie authority over this Army. Great Britain is thus at last definitely committed to the disintegration of Austria-Hungary. Cato was thought a bore for telling his fellow-Senators incessantly that "Carthage must be destroyed," but history shows that he was right. So, too, the watchword "Austria must be destroyed" may distress a few timid and half-hearted people. But there can be no durable peace until the Czecho-Slovaks, the Serbs, the Italians, and the Rumanians are freed from Austro-Hungarian tyranny.