There has been much aetivity on the Flanders front, where
the enemy is evidently trying to reduce his salient west of the Lys. Last week the Germans evacuated the south-western corner of the salient in front of Nieppe Forest—a tract over a mile in depth from near Merville to the north of Bethune: On Tuesday, in the north- western corner of the salient, our patrols occupied Vieux Berquin and advanced to the east of it. Every yard of ground is valuable to us here. South of Arras also the enemy shows uneasiness. On Wednesday he withdrew from his advanced lines north of the Ancre, between Beaumont Hamel and Bucquoy. On the Aisne and Vesle front, too, the Americans have given the enemy no rest. Working from Fismes, they have established them- selves on the north bank of the Vesle at Fismette. Attacks by German reserves compelled them to recross the river, but the Americans returned to the charge, and are now once more on the north bank, detaining enemy divisions which are sorely needed elsewhere.