We have received from Messrs. Bentley and Son a copy
of the sixpenny issue of the Ingoldsby Legends, "People's Edition," contain- ing forty illustrations the originals of which were the productions of Cruickshank, Leech, and Tenniel. It is clearly printed in readable type, on good paper, the quality of the latter being such as to prevent the cuts " setting-off," or marring the distinctness of the print on the opposite side.
Of works on scientific, technical, and practical subjects, we have received the following :—The Theory of Equations," Dublin University Press Series," by W. S. Burnside, MA., and A. W. Penton, M.A., (Longmans, London ; Hodges and Co., Dablin.)—Essays on Art and Archaeology, by C. T. Newton, C.B. (Macmillan). A series of reprints of various dates, ranging over a period of thirty years.—The Philosophy of Carlyle, by E. D. Mead (Triibner, London ; Mifflin and Co., Boston.)—Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the Royal Collection at Hampton Court, by E. Law, B.A. (Bell and Sons.)— The Scientific Study of the Hindi Law, by J. H. Nelson, M.A. (Kegan Paul and Co.)—A History of Greek Sculpture, by A. S. Murray, of the British Museum (John Murray.) An illustrated narrative of the rise and progress of Greek sculpture from the earliest times down to the age of Pheidias.—Handbook of English and Foreign Copyright, by S. Jerrold (Chatto and Windas.)—The Practice of Banking, by J. Hutchinson (Effingham Wilson), being the first of a series of three volumes.—The Scot Abroad, by the late J. Hill Barton, D.C.L. (Blackwood and Sons). A new and cheaper edition of a valuable work which had been for some years out of print.—A Supplementary English Glossary, by T. L. 0. Davies, M.A. (Bell and Sons.)— History of the Manors of Finagh and Coole, by the Earl of Belmore (Longmans, London ; Thom, Dublin.)—Bulbs and Bulb-Culture, by T. D. Fish (Gill.)—Where to Find Ferns, by F. G. Heath (Sampson Low and Co.)—The Management of Grass Land, by A. Rowland, edited by W. H. Ablett (Chapman and Hall.)—Gilbart on Banking (Bell and Sons.) A new edition, revised to the present date, by A. E. Michie, 2 vols.—Sketches of Debate fit the First Senate of the United States, by W. Maclay (Sampson Low and Co.)—Koumiss, by G. I. Carrick (Blackwood and Sons.) A treatise on fermented mare's milk, and its uses in the treatment of pulmonary consumption, &o.—Monaco as a Health Resort, by Dr. T. H. Pickering (McGee, Dublin.)—A Practical Guide for Inspectors of Nuisances, by F. R. Wilson (Knight and Co.)—What to do in Cases of Poisoning, by W. Morrell, M.D. (Lewis.)—Central Government, by H. D. Traill, D.C.L. (Macmillan.) —On Chorea, by 0. Sturges, M.D. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—Speech for the Deaf, by A. A. Kinsey (Allen and Co.)—The Gold-fields in the South-East Wynaad, by S. Jennings (Chapman and Hall.)—Walks Through the City of York, by R. Davies, F.S.A., edited by his widow (Chapman and Hall.)—Ludgate Hill, Past and Present (Griffith and Farran.) A gossiping, illustrated account of the history and the changes that have taken place in this great London highway.—Toy. making for Amateurs, by J. Lnkin, BA., illustrated (Gill.)