The Lord Mayor's Meeting On Tuesday, To Raise A Fund
for the protection of property in Ireland, was hardly a success. It - was not a City meeting at all, though the Lord Mayor and one or two City men attended it, but a West-end......
At A Meeting Of The Bromley Liberal Association, Last Week,
Mr. Sydney Buxton took the very sensible line of congratulating the country on the amount of public speaking during the Recess, which would, he said, help political knowledge to......
As We Expected, The First Accounts Of The Catastrophe At
the Ring Theatre, Vienna, were not exaggerated, but minimised. Instead hf 300 victims, nearly 900 were probably burned or crushed to death, official certainty having been......
Sir John Lubbock Also Made A Remarkable Speech At The
same meeting of the Bromley Liberal Association, of which he has accepted the office of president for the ensuing year. He remarked that Lord Salisbury and the Con- servatives,......
At The Meeting Held. On Tuesday In The Chapter House
at Westminster, for erecting a monument to the late Dean Stanley, Dr. Bradley, the new Dean, on taking the chair, explained the object of the gathering in a few dignified and......
The Speaker Of The House Of Commons, Sir Henry Brand,
in answering to a toast on Tuesday at an agricultural dinner held at Lewes, criticised some strictures on the whole class of land- lords which had just been passed by a former......
Last Week We Praised . Mr. Clarke, Q.c., The Member For
Ply- mouth, for his sobriety and moderation, but almost at the time we were writing, yesterday week, he was making a very violent speech at the Chichester Conservative......