On the whole, it is as comprehensive and well arranged
a book as could be found. And it is carefully kept up to date. We are writing this on December 5th, and we find in the appendix of " Occurrences during Printing " mention of General Zurlinderia order for the Court-Martial on Colonel Picquart ; and, one day later, the Conferences of London Vestries and District Boards held on November 25th. Alphabetical order is preserved throughout, and, on the whole, this is the most convenient, though there is, and can be, no quite perfect way of making all information at once accessible.
A notable guide-book is A Concise Guide to the Town and University of Cambridge, by John Willis Clark, M.A. (Macmillan and Bowes). Mr. Clark happily combines the man of letters and the expert, and his book, conveniently divided into " Four Walks," will be welcomed by many.—Another volume, readable, con- venient in size, and well illustrated, is Cambridge and its Colleges, by A. Hamilton Thompson, illustrated by Edmund H. New (Methuen and Co.)
DIARIES, CALENDARS, AND CHILISTMAS-CARDS.—We have received a consignment of these seasonable articles from Messrs. Marcus Ward and Co., and can only say that they are as pretty and artistic as ever. A special feature amongst the Christmas-cards is the Christmas telegram, while the literary calendars, with quotations from Dickens, Scott, and Tennyson, are especially attractive.
Booxs RECEIVED.—A Summary of the Psalms. By David Dale Stewart, M.A. (Elliot Stock.)—The Holy Land in Geography and in History By Townsend MacCoun, M. A. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—The Principles of Protestantism. By the Rev. J. P. Lilley, M.A. In the series of " Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students," edited by Professor Marcus Dods and the Rev. Alex. Whyte. (T. and T. Clark4 Typical Christian Leaders. By John Clifford, D.D. (Horace Marshall and Son.)—Dawn on the Hills of T'Ang. By Harlan Beach. (Students' Volunteer Missionary Union.)—Beeord of the World's Third Sunday School Convention. (S.S.U.)— Deshasheh. By W. M. Flinders Petrie, D.C.L. With a chapter by F. Ll. Griffith, M.A. (Egypt Exploration Fund.)—The Chartulary of Cockersand Abbey of the Praentonstratensian Order-. Transcribed and edited by William Farrar. 2 vols. (The Chetham Society.)—Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Vol. VIII. (Ginn and Co., Boston, U.S.A.)—Logic, Deductive and Inductive. By Carveth Read, M.A. (Grant Richards.)—The Science of Law and Lawmaking. By R. Floyd Clarke (Macmillan and Co.)—The Maritime Codes of Holland and Belgium. Trans- lated and annotated by F. W. Raikes, LL.D. (Effingham Wilson.)-0ffleial Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. (C. Griffin and Co.)—A New Astronomy. By David P. Todd. (American Book Company.) —Submarine Telegraphy. By Charles Bright. (Crosby Lock. wood and Son.)—Aerial and Wire-Hope Tramways. By A. J. Wallis Tayler, C.E. (Same publishers.)—Hoses at Cannes. (,1 and E. Bumpns.)