The Dowager-empress Of China On December 13th Re- Ceived The
ladies of the Diplomatic Body in the hitherto secluded Palace. Every honour was paid them ; they were welcomed by the highest Mandarins, presents of pearl rings were made to......
The Times Correspondent At St. Petersburg Says That The...
Rescript was not prompted entirely by his own mind. He had, no doubt, been greatly struck by a book published by M. Blokh, a wealthy banker of St. Petersburg, intended to prove......
The Difficulty In Hungary Between The Government, Which...
and the Opposition, which is clerical and reactionary, seems to be coming to a head. The Clericals have succeeded by steady obstruction in making legislation impossible, and......
The Army And The Civil Power In France Have This
week been beating time. The ten Generals at the War Office, with General Jamont at their head, have waited upon President Faure to complain of the outrages upon the Army ; but......
Herr Von Billow Hoped For Peace Because The Nations Wished
for it, because they feared war, which with modern arma- ments would be a people's war in a most terrible sense, and because the Triple Alliance still remained, and would......
Herr Von Billow, The Foreign Secretary Of The German Empire,
made a long and able speech to the Reichstag on Monday intended • review the whole situation. He did not, however, mention France, and only alluded incidentally to Russia as a......
The Text Of The Spanish-american Treaty Of Peace Has Been
published, and shows that Spain cedes to the United States Porto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam, or Guahan, the principal island in the Ladrones. Any subjects of Spain resident......
Semi-official Statements Have Been Put Forward Both In ,...
Berlin repudiating the idea that a rapprocheme n t between France and Germany is at present possible. T he French Government contents itself with a simple den i al o ugh the......