The papers of Wednesday published a correspondence which has passed
between Mr. Lloyd George and Sir James Craig. The first letter from Mr. Lloyd George, dated November 10th, invited Sir James Craig to the Conference in London. Sir James Craig replied that he accepted all the heads of the pro- posed Settlement except the scheme for an All-Ireland Parlia- ment. " Such a Parliament," he wrote, " is precisely what Ulster has for many years resisted by all means at her disposal." Her objections could not be removed by such safeguards against abuse as the Government had suggested. At the same time, Sir James Craig admitted the difficulties which Mr. Lloyd George had pointed out as regards Customs barriers and financial relations between the North and the South. He proposed as an alternative to the Government plan that Northern Ireland should become a Dominion. This would involve the loss by Northern Ireland -of representation in the Imperial Parliament, but the Northern Government would regard that as a lesser evil than inclusion in an All-Ireland Parliament.