Three Great Difficulties Had Been National Defence, The...
and the religious differences in Ireland. Happily, there had been a complete acceptance of allegiance to the British Empire. The pledges to Ulster had been kept, but those......
After Adopting The Pacific Treaty, The Washington...
the general principles laid down by Mr. Root for the maintenance of the integrity of China and for the guarantee- ing of " free and equal opportunity " to all Powers desirous of......
The Washington Conference On Saturday Last Accepted A...
for the Pacific which opens a new era in the history of the world. Great Britain, America, France and Japan agree " as between themselves to respect their rights in relation to......
The Debate In The Lords Was Remarkable For The Return
of Lord Morley and for the passionate speech of Lord Carson. Lord Morley naturally took a pride in the adoption of a principle for which he had struggled throughout his public......
Senator Lodge, The Republican Leader In The Senate,...
treaty, which he described as " an attempt to remove the causes of war over a great area of the surface of the globe by reliance on the good faith and honest intentions of the......
The Meeting Of The Dail To Consider The Settlement Opened
on Wednesday, and produced some particularly lively recriminations between Mr. De Valera and Mr. Michael Collins. Mr. De Valera frankly repeated that there was a split in the......
In The Two Next Letters Mr. Lloyd George And Sir
James Craig discussed this alternative proposal by Ulster. Mr. Lloyd George declared that there " was no room for two Irelands " in the Assembly of the League of Nations, or in......
Captain Craig, Who Spoke For Northern Ireland, Expressed...
but did so with an admirable moderation and an evident sense of responsibility. Lord Hugh Cecil similarly declared his belief that no good could come of a plan for giving great......
Lord Carson's Speech Was A Display Of Very Deep Emotion.
He asked if it were necessary because a man turned his coat to divest himself of every part of his raiment ? Must he go naked ? He spoke of his Ulster comrades who, having given......
The Papers Of Wednesday Published A Correspondence Which...
between Mr. Lloyd George and Sir James Craig. The first letter from Mr. Lloyd George, dated November 10th, invited Sir James Craig to the Conference in London. Sir James Craig......
Senator Lodge Made It Clear That America's Acceptance Of The
treaty was contingent upon an agreement with Japan in regard to Yap and the other ex-German islands held by her under a mandate. That agreement has been concluded. America is to......