Mrs. Nina Seaman has compiled Apples and Honey (Heine. mann,
7s. 6d. net) as a gift-book for Jewish boys and girls. It is an anthology of tales, passages from Scripture, historical excerpts, and literary selections of special interest to Jews, such as Byron's " 0 ! weep for those that wept by Babel's stream " and a quotation from George Eliot on " the Jewish nation." The book is well edited and well printed.
Mrs. Flora Klickmann has written another of her entertaining and humorous books about the countryside, entitled The Trail of the Ragged Robin (R.T.S., 7s. net). She has a keen eye for the follies of Government inspectors, obstinate peasants, impor- tunate canvassers for charities, and " advanced " young women,
as well as for the beauties of nature. Her descriptions of fiekd paths and woods in the Wye Valley are charming.