17 DECEMBER 1927, Page 18


SPECTATOR.] SIR,- - - May I ask the courtesy of your columns for an appeal for this Irish Cathedral in Co. Carlow ? Its patron saint -is St. Laserian, who was Abbot and first Bishop of Leighlin, and died in 639. The present building dates from the thirteenth century, and was erected on the site of an older Celtic church of wood, which was burnt down. St. Laserian stands in a beautiful but lonely valley, beside a purling mountain strum, far from towns and men.

My parishioners number only 90 all told, mostly small farmers. To them the Cathedral is in the nature of a white elephant. They are quite unable to keep it in proper repair without outside help. Much has been done in recent years to repair and beautify this old monument of ancient days ; but much remains to be done still. The old abbey, as it is called, or monks' private chapel, is roofless and in ruins.

The walls need to have the joints between the stones raked out and pointed. Happily, the most urgent repairs have just been completed, or are in course of being completed, and consist'in thorough repair of the roof, external painting, and a complete new system of gutters and down-pipes for the protection of the walls and foundations. For this we need £150, of which we have about half now. As St. Laserian's Cathedral is a national monument, we appeal especially to those exiled sons and daughters of Erin who have prospered beyond her shores, and who still love the old country, to lend us a helping hand.—I am, Sir, &c.,