The Road And The Inn
Evvaw good book about the inns of Great Britain and those rivers of life that flow past their doors, the high roads, serves a double purpose, for not only does it delight the......
Some Parisian Insides And Outsides
On a Paris Roundabout. Text by and Drawn by Jan Gordon. (Lane. 12s. 6d.) Twenty Years in Paris with a Pen. By Sommerville Story, Illustrated. (Rivers. 15s.) MANY times have we......
I I Cton
A Winter Afternoon's Entertainment WREN Mr. Eden Phillpotts desires to convey his tolerant philosophy of life and art, it is now his custom to relate, with considerable......
The American Revolution
England and America : Rivals in the American Revolution, By C. H. Van Tyne. (Cambridge University Press. 66.) SIB GEORGE WATSON did a great thing when he founded the lectureship......