General"Knowledge Questions
priie of one guinea, which the Editor offers each week for the best thirteen general knowledge questions, has been awarded this week to Mr. H. F. Macdonald for the following Gilbert and Sullivan " questions
Gilbert and Sullivan Questions
1. -hi what two operas does Gilbert make a princess marry in infancy ?
2. In what two operas does Mr. Leo Sheffield spoil a good lie by
adding " corroborative detail " Name his part. and that of the liar in each case.
3. What song in the operas has been called " The finest lyric'in the language " ? 4. What or whom do the following operas attack Patience, H.M.S. ' Pinafore' ?
5. Who was born Plantagenet " ? Whose eyes are described " purple Nice _was a_ very abandoned person " ? 41.- In- .w1pkt pperas- do .the -following characters occur : Adam ;ee(lhert, Grosvenor,. Y uiz, PhOebe, Ruth, Angelina, Dr. Daly ?
7. Xtirlici sing the.folloWing The Ghost's High Noon," \\Then ffriitlpfit tkis'Unifokrii-on,," ." The sun whose rays are all ti,i?laze,'" Tit 'Willow • 8. 'GiVe -the first line of the sOngaintname the opera in which the . Tolle-wing Weenr-: -"4"-au -hblcilyourself like this, You hold yourself :liket:hat,"-V-Ttirhot is ambitiounbrilL2' " When at the worst affairs
*IR - • '
9.: Who vvas "ninety-five quarters in arrears " ? AO. Who "False man, it will be your fault If I go to my airily Vat alt," " But Tush I am puling."
• IL In what early play -by Gilbert can the germs of the plot of
'dant& be detected.?
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12. What operas -.were:.. written after the first, and before the second,.estraugement between Gilbert and Sullivan ?
13. Give the alternative titles of The Mikado, Iolanthe and
Ituddigere. • - • answers will be found on page 1106.