mHE Fourth Session of the Queen's Tenth Parliament was
. opened on Thursday, with the usual Message from the Throne. The Queen informs the Houses that tranquillity has been restored to Egypt, that the reconstitution of Government there is proceeding, and that the arrangements needed have been submitted to the Sultan and the Great Powers, who, there is every reason to believe, will approve them. The withdrawal of British troops is, therefore, proceeding as expeditiously as circumstances will admit. Her Majesty has restored Cetewayo to Zulnland, and trusts "that good relations will be maintained between the Zulu nation and Natal,"—a significant sentence, tidal to the statement that Zululand is now a dependency. The Queen believes that the improvement in the social condition of Ireland continues, as agrarian crime is dimin- ishing, and the law is everywhere upheld ; but adds that dangerous Secret Societies in Dublin "call for unremit- ting energy and vigilance." Measures will be brought in for codifying the Criminal Law, for creating a Court of Criminal Appeal, for amending the laws of Bankruptcy and Patents, for preventing Corrupt Practices, for the better government of the Metropolis, and for other reforms of local government, "if time permit ;" for the Prevention of Floods, for Police and Education in Scotland and Wales, and for Compensation to Tenants in England and Scotland. "You have provided in recent years, by a liberal devotion of your time, for the most urgent among the needs of Ireland," and. may now regard the claims of general legislation and of "other portions of the United Kingdom."