17 FEBRUARY 1883, page 2

Meanwhile, M. Fallieres Has Been Declared By His Doctors Too

ill to resume office, and has resigned, and the President is seek- ing a Premier. According to the best reports, M. Brisson has refused office, M. Jules Ferry has declared that......

In The Commons, After Mr. Labonchere Had Promised That Mr.

Bradlaugh would not claim his seat if an Affirmation Bill were introduced, and Lord Hartington had announced that such a Bill would be proposed, and Sir R. Cross had stated that......

We Arahappy To Perceive That Mr. John Morley, Who Has

been accepted as the Liberal candidate for Newcastle, makes it a dis- tinctive note of his addresses that while he will maintain his. independence on all important questions on......

Lord Hartington Began His Reply By Stating That Mr. Glad-

stone was now in such a condition of health that he could return, if his presence were absolutely required ; and continued by saying that the Affirmation Bill would have been......

The French Senate Has Not Rejected The Proscription Bill,...

has accepted a substitute making it a Bill for the regular trial of Pretenders. The Judges on Friday week declared that there was no legal case against Prin ce Napoleon, and......

There Has Been A Great Rush This Week Of Belated

speeches addressed to constituencies by their Members, of which we can- not pretend to give any adequate account. But we may remark that Mr. Herbert Gladstone's speech at Leeds......

The Queen's Speech Promises A New Patent Law, And It

seems to be understood that fresh facilities will be given for obtain- ing patents. They will be made much cheaper, and be obtained from special Commissioners. Sir F. Bramwell,......