London is full of foreign Anarchists, and on Thursday one
of them died under circumstances not yet explained. A. young man, whose name is believed to be Martial Bourdin, was seen just after dark walking in the neighbourhood of the Observatory, in Greenwich Park, when he stumbled and fell. Instantly there was an explosion heard at a great distance. and a park-keeper who ran up found Bourdin with his left hand blown off, and his body eviscerated. He died within ten minutes, having said nothing. The explosive appears to have been contained in a bottle, fragments of which were dis- covered close by ; but the object of the man in carrying it is still obscure. He is known to have been a leading spirit among a group of foreign conspirators, but whether he in- tended to blow up the Observatory, or kill any particular person, or make away with the bottle as dangerous evidence, is still uncertain. The latter idea derives its probability from the fact that the Anarchist clubs have recently been alarmed by the increased vigilance of the police, and have dreaded domiciliary visits. It is, too, almost incredible that the foreign refugees, who are now outlaws in every Continental country, should render living impossible in their only refuge. They must be aware that it is not only the police, but the populace, whom they would have to dread.