Current _ Literature.
The Knobstick. By C. Allen Clarke. (John Heywood, Man- chester.)—The Knobstick is a povterful story, indeed one of the beat descriptions we have met for years of some phases of......
Three Brace Of Lovers. By Harold Vallings. (j. W....
Bristol.)—The most noticeable and distinctive part of this novel is the glimpse it gives us of life at a " crammer's." Bissett Pyne, who is the hero of the story in a way — as......
A Wit Of The Past.*
WE confess to have found the volume before us rather dreary as well as desultory reading. The latter, of course, it pro- fesses to be ; but a reproduction in this form of the......
Lourdes : Yesterday, To - Day, To - Morrow. By Daniel...
Alice Meynell. (Burns and Oates.)—This is an interesting account of the Lourdes apparition and miracles, written from the point of view of a believer. The evidence for the......