Lourdes : Yesterday, To - Day, To - Morrow. By Daniel Barber. Translated by
Alice Meynell. (Burns and Oates.)—This is an interesting account of the Lourdes apparition and miracles, written from the point of view of a believer. The evidence for the miracles is very strong, as it is for similar occurrences elsewhere,
under very different conditions. As for the apparition, it is diffi- cult to say anything. Of course, we have no means of knowing what form or manner of appearing the Blessed Virgin, should she revisit the earth, would or should adopt. Still, one has feelings and instincts on the subject, and the details of the Lourdes incident scarcely satisfy them. "Only do me the favour to come hither for fifteen days" was part of the first utterance. "I am the Immaculate Conception" was the last. These hardly resemble Divine utterances that are recorded elsewhere.