ANOTHER bomb-outrage has startled Paris. On Monday evening, about 9 o'clock, a well-dressed man, who subse- quently admitted that his name was Emile Henri, and who ,is " bachelier-es-sciences," flung a tin-case full of bullets and some explosive into the cafe of the Terminus Hotel. It was fall of people, and about fifteen of them were wounded more
• or less seriously. The tables and chairs were shattered, and the ceiling bears marks, but the explosive was weak, and the building is substantially uninjured. The man ran away, but a policeman named Poisson, sitting on the top of an omnibus, .heard the report, saw the flight, and descending, made for the criminal. Emile Henri drew a revolver, and fired twice, -hitting his man both times ; but the plucky policeman closed in on him, and, with assistance, he was secured. He fully acknowledges his crime, declares that he was inspired by hatred of modern society, which mast get itself a new skin or perish ; and abuses Valliant as a fool for loading his bomb with nails instead of leaden bullets. The police believe that he was one of three or four men sent from London to avenge Valliant, and it seems to be certain -that he was recently in London, which is now denounced in some Paris papers as the Anarchist refuge. The Prefect of 'Police, M. Lepine, expresses the opinion that revenge for Taillant has been arranged by a secret organisation sitting .in London; and there is even a rumour that for a time pass- ports will be required from all passsengers. That is probably false, for no Englishman has yet been implicated in Anarchist • crimes ; and the passport system, to be of use, must be applied to all who enter France,—Emile Henri, for example, .having reached Paris from Brussels by train.