The Works of Horace. Translated by the Rev. J. C.
Ellgood. (Swan Sonnensehein and Co.)—This is a new edition, in which, we are told, some inaccuracies have been emended. Some, however, remain. "The Allobroges, unsubmissive to our rule" is surely no equivalent for " novisque rebus infidelis Allobrox." Novw res means, as usual, "revolution," and the reference is to the intrigue between the Catilinarian conspirators and the envoys of the Allobroges. As for the translation, as a whole, we do not exactly see whom it will benefit. It does not represent Horace's poetry in any adequate way, and the learner will not get as much good from it as he might from other versions which it would be possible to name.