Throughout the week the Conference at Algeciras has been occupied
with the discussion of the details of the new Customs tariff and the' regulations for the prevention of contraband trade. But meanwhile a growing excitement has been evident in the French and' German Press,' ana there is every sign that a critical stage is approaching. The police question is, of course, the centre of dispute, and it has been made the subject of a violent Presto campaign in Germany, where any concessions to France's wishes are said to involve the " Tunikification" of Morocco. Meanwhile pourparlers are going on in private between the French and German dele- gates, but nothing will be known of the result till the matter comes on for public discussion. It is said that the American delegate, Mr. White, is hopeful of a successful issue, and that President Roosevelt will act as the eventual mediator. An attempt has been made to represent the policing of the Algerian frontier as a concession to France by Germany ; but it must be remembered that this is based on an old agreement between Franoe and the Sultan. The one concession made has come from France, when she submitted to the Conference. The dispute, we may repeat, is as to whether the police control shall be in the hands of France, or possibly of France and Spain, or whether it shall be left, as Germany suggests, to the Sultan under the supervision of some of the minor European Powers. In a word, it is whether or not France shall be given a civilising mandate in Morocco.