Riches Without Servants.
LTO TH2 EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—In your review of Mrs. Wilkins-Freeman's book, "The Debtor," in your issue of December 30th, 1905, your reviewer remarks :— "The curious......
The Manning Of The Mercantile Marine.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIE, — In February and March, 1905, your correspondence included valuable and interesting letters from Captain Broadbent, of the Conway,'......
The Royal Amateur Society.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR, — The Committee of the Royal Amateur Society will feel very greatly obliged if you will put this little notice of the forthcoming......
The Destitution In The Baltic Provinces. [to The Editor Op
THE "SPECTATOR.1 an Englishwoman living in the Baltic Provinces, I venture to appeal to the generosity of your readers in behalf of these terribly devastated provinces. In the......
Macbeth's Imaginativeness.
pro TICE EDITOTS OF THE "SrzerAxort.') SIR, — The view of Macbeth as a character of poetical imaginativeness may be found in the introduction to the play by Dr. Hudson, written......