17 FEBRUARY 1906, Page 3

We desire to call attention to the short but most

cogent letter on the true significance of the crisis in the Unionist Party which Lord George Hamilton contributed to Monday's Times. The real issue, as he justly contends, is not the comparative qualifications of Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamber- lain for the post of leader, but the very existence of the party as a living political force. The Protectionists have never dis- guised their aim from the outset,—viz., to make the political Lest of membership for the future not adherence to the Union 'but to Protection. But Protection has many adherents amongst Irish Home-rulers, and some amongst the Labour- Socialist Members. Hence "if Unionists who are not Pro- tectionists are to be expelled from the new party, Pro- tectionists who are not Unionists will be admitted." In the motley aggregation thus gathered under the Protectionist flag, the principles of Unionism and Conservatism can find no place; the disbanding of the party is the question now confronting Conservatives ; and "this difficulty will continue so long as Protection arrogates to itself the right to dominate Unionism."