We have not space to record in ectlil the unceasing
raids on the Western front, all of them flattering to British. arms. On the Ancre we have advanced since the New Year an average distance of three-quarters of a mile on a front of three miles. The offensive is, in fact, going on successfully all the time. Good news also comes from Mesopotamia. At Kut the Turkish troops are almost hemmed in. It is not necessary to assume that the town of Kut is of any great importance in itself in order to be gratified that General Maude's troops have been able to inflict heavy losses on the enemy, as they have undoubtedly done. The only news of any account on the debit side comes from Bukovina. The Germans state that they have captured Russian positions near Jakobeny and have taken twelve hundred prisoners. This is the scene of the fighting where the Russians took two thousand prisoners nearly three weeks ago.