The Joint Scandinavian Note To The-central Powers,...
is much stronger in its tone than might have been expected, and protests vigorously against the barring of certain' zones to neutrals. The Note flatly pronounces the blockade "......
On The Same Day On Which This Solemn Mockery Of
international hew was made known through the British Foreign Office a statement was issued from Washington with regard to the negotiations opened by Germany with the United......
While The Small Neutral States Of Northern Europe Have...
their inability to follow President Wilson in breaking off relations with Germany, a neighbour whom they fear, the neutrals who are less directly menaced by German armies have......
Mr. Bryan, As Leader Of The Peace-at-any-price Party In...
seems to have gone rather far in taking counsel with Count Bernstorff and sending to Germany a suggestion of his own for a compromise over the submarine question. Mr. Barthelme,......
Meanwhile The United States Is Still Waiting For The "
overt act." It may be that it will come as aresult of the voyage of the unarmed American merchantmen into the death zone mentioned later. This passive challenge by America is......
Year Ending With March, The Votes Of Credit Will Have
amounted to -£1,950,000,000. • From the beginning of the war to March 31st, the total expenditure will be £4,200;000,000. Despite a heavy-increase of taxation, the National Debt......
In Acknowledging The Official Notification Of The Rupture...
matic relations between the United States and Germany Mr. Balfour has very properly taken occasionte-eonvey to Mr. Page, the Ameri- can Ambassador, the deep appreciation of the......
Mr. Gerard, The American Ambassador, Left Berlin Last...
reached Switzerland on Sunday night. He has made no official statement, but the American correspondents who came with him report that the German Foreign Office, with its usual......
In Pursuance Of Their Decision To Deny British Hospital...
exemption from submarine attack, the German Government have stopped the exchange of British and German incapacitated prisoners, who have hitherto been convoyed to and from......
Two American Merchantmen, The Orleans' And Rochester,'...
worked by American crews; sailed from New York fof Bordeaux on Saturday last, calmly ignoring the new German decree. The vessels are unarmed and unmarked, and, it is said, carry......